offering a broadcasting platform for the scientific community of the tropics and subtropical regions working in the agricultural and natural resource management fields is the birth idea of Tropentag whilst trying to sell new ideas and innovations, tropentag creates an atmosphere of totallity where the experts of ideas, buyers of ideas and benefactors of these ideas can have a personal exchange regardless their level and background.
Wth the gathering of several expert keynote speakers and 19 oral sessions in almost 100 talks, 24 guided poster sessions in 360 posters,
Tropentag 2012 put a keen lens on the future of agriculture and the theme "
Resilience of Agricultural Systems Against Crises" is crucial with the current global warming crises.
But what did all those speakers say? Whether present or absent, the Student Reporter is your ears and eyes at every tropentag conference. with the student reporters, your can sit at the comfort of your home or be at one session and still get all the information throughout the conference. We keep you posted on which ever social media your at, you just need to join the fleet.