In this period of rapid change in land use, hunger is still a problem. In order to fight hunger, the promotion of ecological resiliency is needed.
This is the main message
Dr. Deborah Bossio, holding a PhD in Soil Science from the University of California, USA and working at the
International Center for International Agriculture (CIAT), conveyed in today's second plenary speech.
Dr. Deborah Bossio
At the beginning of her speech, Dr. Bossio speaks to the audience about food issues such as chronicle hunger and yield gaps. She points out that the population density is high in areas of quality crop land, showing maps from the African continent found on the website of the
Harvestchoice. She also highlights that soils and land use are central to planetary boundaries (climate change, chemical pollution, phosphorus cycle, nitrogen cycle, etc).
Land use changes...some facts!