ecosystem services

Prevent irreversible degradation of agro-ecoystem in Amazonia now!

In this breaking through research, Patrick Lavelle from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) together with a transdisciplinary team figure out the tipping point between landscape intensification and ecoefficiency in the Amazonia . First, the team determines a measure scale to landscape intensification in Amazonia. Degraded pastures are on the extensive extremity of the scale and tropical forest on the intensive extremity. The following indicators measures the change in socio-environmental components and landscape use intensification: i) human development, ii) economical efficiency, iii) biodiversity, and iv) ecosystem services. The sum all four indicators indicates the prevailing ecoefficiency. Two regions composed of six landscape windows, 54 farms and 270 sampling points enables the collection of the data. To study the relationship between ecoefficiency and landscape intensification in Amazonia, the data is plotted together. The resulting curve draw a tipping point. This point represents the optimal ecoefficiency and landscape intensification level. In Amazonia, ecoefficiency is optimal when there is a 50 % level of forest (20% pristine and 30% fallows/tree based systems). According to Dr. Lavelle, to reach a woody cover of 50 %, the actual mainstream agricultural practice need to be stopped in Amazonia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Call for proposals to the ESPA research programme

An opportunity for funding cutting-edge research that delivers improved understanding of how ecosystem function, the services they provide, the full value of these services, and their potential role in achieving sustainable poverty reduction was announced through the Ecosystems Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA). ESPA's goal is to ensure that, in developing countries, ecosystems are being sustainably managed in a way that contributes to poverty reduction and inclusive/sustainable growth. This announcement of opportunity invites proposals for research consortium projects that will address this agenda. All projects are required to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through the web-based form by the closing date of 8 December 2010.
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