
ATSAF e.V. Gives Young Scientists the Opportunity to Establish Long-term Relations in the Field of Agricultural Research

The Council for Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research (ATSAF e.V.) is a network for scientists and experts concerned with development-oriented research in the tropics and subtropics. This year was the 25th ATSAF e.V. member meeting. Tropentag 2012 Besides funding options for students and researchers it offers a platform to interconnect national and European scientists and organizations. Students, Doctors and young scientists can especially benefit from the network already in their early career since it helps to build up long-term relations with other researchers and offers access to research programs, says chairman Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch from the University of Hoheneheim. Since 1997, in cooperation with the participating universities and by the support of sponsors, ATSAF e.V. organizes the Tropentag.

Call for proposals to the ESPA research programme

An opportunity for funding cutting-edge research that delivers improved understanding of how ecosystem function, the services they provide, the full value of these services, and their potential role in achieving sustainable poverty reduction was announced through the Ecosystems Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA). ESPA's goal is to ensure that, in developing countries, ecosystems are being sustainably managed in a way that contributes to poverty reduction and inclusive/sustainable growth. This announcement of opportunity invites proposals for research consortium projects that will address this agenda. All projects are required to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through the web-based form by the closing date of 8 December 2010.
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