At only 16 years old, Greta Thunberg is making waves that can only be described as unbelievable around the world as a climate activist. Fed up with climate change being considered a partisan issue, and political inaction on the climate change agenda, Greta is without a doubt an inspiration to both young and old. Perhaps it’s her age fueling her passion for climate action. She’s well aware her generation will bear the brunt of climate change; a roaring commonality seen through Tropentag’s wide range of academic presentations.
As many of Tropentag’s participants work to mediate and mitigate climate change’s impact on the population of the tropics, we cannot ignore tomorrow’s #FridayforFuture #ClimateStrike. However, we also cannot ignore that we have two highly esteemed keynote speakers scheduled just before the strike, and closing ceremonies during it. As participants debate attending the strike, or the closing ceremony, Tropentag has offered a solution to add their signature to the climate strike.
Why chocolate? In 2018, chocolate consumption worth about 828 billion USD in USA. Per capita consumption was about 5.5kg and 8.5kg in USA and Germany, respectively. The main driver for such higher chocolate consumption in Europe comapred to the USA is the flavour. A keynote speaker, Carla Martin, Founder and Executive Director of The Fine Cacao and Chocolate Institute said it is not just chocolate, “it is a flavour that has value”. “The best flavour shows status, enjoyment and so on but, farmers get less credit on it.” The best flavour of the food can be used as a factor to express originality and status. However, the question is are farmers getting the right profit value of their cacao?