lloyd's blog

The Most Sustainable Tropentag Ever

Sustainability is founded on the three pillars: economics, environmentalism and social consciousness. The efforts to create a more sustainable conference at this year’s Tropentag cannot be unnoted.

Go Greta!

At only 16 years old, Greta Thunberg is making waves that can only be described as unbelievable around the world as a climate activist. Fed up with climate change being considered a partisan issue, and political inaction on the climate change agenda, Greta is without a doubt an inspiration to both young and old. Perhaps it’s her age fueling her passion for climate action. She’s well aware her generation will bear the brunt of climate change; a roaring commonality seen through Tropentag’s wide range of academic presentations.

As many of Tropentag’s participants work to mediate and mitigate climate change’s impact on the population of the tropics, we cannot ignore tomorrow’s #FridayforFuture #ClimateStrike. However, we also cannot ignore that we have two highly esteemed keynote speakers scheduled just before the strike, and closing ceremonies during it. As participants debate attending the strike, or the closing ceremony, Tropentag has offered a solution to add their signature to the climate strike.

Herzlich Willkommen!

Guten Tag!

It is the day before the main activities of Tropentag 2019 kick off in Kassel, Germany and preparations by the student reporter team are in full swing.

Tropentag 2019 is full of promise, there are 24 sessions of oral presentations, with 107 individual presentations, as well as 29 guided poster sessions, with 310 individual poster presentations. Tropentag 2019 is attended by almost 900 people, hailing from a staggering 85 countries. Importantly, in this year's Tropentag conference bag, there is a reuseable cup for beverage consumption, and almost 1/3 of attendees chose not to recieve the printed book of abstracts, saving 250 printed copies. #GoGreta !  

As the conference unfolds, you'll see us Student Reporters in our white t-shirts (we'll be taking great care not to spill on them) running around like busy little bees. Please feel free to approach us if you'd like your poster, presentation or general self documented here within our blog or on Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook.  

You can follow us at #Tropentag2019, and we wish you all great success and much fun over the coming days. 

The Coco Loco


Hannes Wilms is currently a second-year PhD student at KU Leuven. After completing a master’s in bioscience engineering he decided to continue his studies, working on a coconut invitro culture. Hannes's aim is to conserve coconut species, and propagate strong tree species, to promote future diversity.

Hannes grew up in Ham, Belgium and was always interested in biological sciences. In his spare time (when he has some), Hannes enjoys handball, judo and diving.

As a student reporter in 2019, Hannes is a part of the photography team and will be seen smiling with camera in hand around Tropentag 2019. Hannes looks forward to sharing a positive experience with fellow student reporters and displaying positive photos with a broad audience.



It is bright and early (or just early, as it's not quite yet bright) on day one of Tropentag 2018. The student reporters have been in Ghent the past two days and are excited to cover many events in the next three days and have a little bit of fun on the side. 

As the conference unfolds, you'll see us in our white t-shirts (we'll be taking great care not to spill on them) running around like busy little bees. Please feel free to approach us if you'd like your poster, presentation or general self documented here within our blog or on Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook or Medium.  

You can follow us at #Tropentag2018, and we wish you all great success and much fun over the coming days. 

Masta J

Reporter Jess Lloyd

Jess is a Canadian masters student at the University of Hohenheim, and has just completed her master's degree. Having grown up on a farm in rural Ontario, after completing her bachelor’s in Environmental Science her interest in sustainable agriculture came naturally. Paired with a passion for helping others and interest in rural development (and the fact she’d be ok with never seeing snow again), she decided to pursue a masters in agriculture in the tropics and subtropics, with a pointed interest in sustainable agriculture. She is currently searching for opportunities post-MSc and is super excited for the future. Jess is both the editor of the Tropentag 2018 team and a blogger, and is looking forward to collaborating with such a diverse and fun group of people to promote Tropentag to the world.


Email: Jessica_lloyd18@hotmail.com

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