Tropentag 2014

Meet Juan, Student Reporter from Ecuador

Juan Egas is no stranger to crossing communication boundaries. He first got a taste of the world of lobbying through his previous work at the Ministry of Agriculture in his native Ecuador, where he developed a passion for connecting stakeholders from different arenas. He currently co-runs a blog on sustainability, and plans on using his Student Reporter skills to make complex scientific ideas more digestible for his readers. Continue

Introducing Steffen Schweizer

<Student Reporter Steffen After two editions at Tropentag (2010, 11) Steffen got into position of Student Reporter. He is currently working on his master thesis about the Soil Stability with Organic Cotton at Hohenheim University. His experience from one year stay in India, where he experienced the importants farming, was the reason for his thesis topic. Now he would like to help to the overall conference to transfer the scientific language to the understandable words. His reason to be a student reporter is also to work in an international team as he experienced from his stay in India. Besides the scientific life he does the photography and video editing. Beside that he is working in an NGO called Slowfood Network where he has also experienced journalism.
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