summer school

DAAD Alumni back in Germany for the Summer School

Alumni from various countries around the globe with professional background relating to agriculture and environmental resource management come together and participate in the Summer School program funded by the Deutsch Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Two universities in Germany organized and hosted the event from the 11th until the 18th of September 2012. Specifically, the Justus Liebig University Giessen group deals on the theme “Handicaps and Advantages in the Tropics: Current Aspects in Teaching Results gained from Research” while the group from the University of Hohenheim focused on “Tropical Agrobiodiversity as a guarantor for sustainable food security“. The aim of the program is to exchange knowledge and experiences among the participants. Simultaneously, it also intends to foster networking like the development of joint research projects. Within the 8 day period, the activities of the two groups include excursions, lectures and alumni seminars. After the end of the summer school, the two groups meet together at the Tropentag to gather more insights on the latest debate and researches related to the tropics and present their findings and recommendations to the plenary on the 21st of September 2012. Tropentag 2012 Photo of the organizers in Uni Giessen
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