test 1

Unfamous last words

The last session has ended, posters and flowers have quickly been taken away: Tropentag 2016 is finally over. It’s been three intense days filled with uncountable posters, lively discussions in public and private, fascinating and more or less mass compatible presentations, music, food and lots of coffee. Even dancing!

Many questions have been asked, but some important ones, I must say, have been left unanswered. “What are the next steps to take?” was one of my favourites, asked by Sara Kaweesa, at the end of the closing session, hoping to get a take home message, something to hold on to, so that this conference could actually help to take a step towards a more sustainable and fair world, and not just have been a gathering of many scientific people wanting to talk extensively about their researches and hoping to make a good impression on certain project funding ministries and donors. As Michael Hauser, who by the way together with Ms. Kaweesa has done an impressive job moderating during this conference, has stated, we’ll need to meet again next year, look back at our work and see if we have been true to our many nice, promising words about sustainability, solidarity, food security, fair distribution of resources etc etc.

One More day to Tropentag 2016!

last day check for the biggest agriculture development confrence in the region

Its in University of Vienna, the latest research in related topic will be presented

If you a student, researcher, agriculture practisict, its will be the right time to get informed


Student Reporters -"Countdown to Tropentag 2016"

The annual Tropentag conference is back again this year in Vienna,Austria with the topic "Solidarity in competing world_fair use of natural resources".This international conference has attracted more than 800 researches,policy makers,early career scientists and students in the field of agricultural sciences,rural development and natural resources from different countries all over the world.

Tropentag 2016 - excited platform for young scientist!

This year - 2016- Tropentag will be organized in BOKU university with participants from 74 countries in the world!

StuRep.16 - practice, practice, practice

This is a practice.I expect to build my network and get aquainted with the networks invovled in tropical agricultural development research. This is a practice. Also I hope to experience Tropentag as a reporter, which means to have the right to ask a lot of questions and access all behind-the-scene secrets. This is a practice, I expect from it some practice.

Great expectations

What do I expect of the tropentag 2016? I hope to experience a journalist´s work, listen to inspiring contributions and meet interesting people! I am also keen on finding out more on the different perceptions of solidarity as the main theme of the conference.

New arrivals - expectations of a student reporter at Tropentag 2016

What to expect from the Tropentag 2016 in Vienna?

As a student reporter and student of horticultural sciences I am eager to immerse myself into the universe of this conference, listening, asking, observing and of course, reporting - critically, curiously and controversal.

Join the discussion!

Click here to visit the Tropentag website

Misty Forest near Vienna

Test Entry 3

Überall dieselbe alte Leier. Das Layout ist fertig, der Text lässt auf sich warten. Damit das Layout nun nicht nackt im Raume steht und sich klein und leer vorkommt, springe ich ein: der Blindtext. Genau zu diesem Zwecke erschaffen, immer im Schatten meines großen Bruders »Lorem Ipsum«, freue ich mich jedes Mal, wenn Sie ein paar Zeilen lesen. Denn esse est percipi - Sein ist wahrgenommen werden. Und weil Sie nun schon die Güte haben, mich ein paar weitere Sätze lang zu begleiten, möchte ich diese Gelegenheit nutzen, Ihnen nicht nur als Lückenfüller zu dienen, sondern auf etwas hinzuweisen, das es ebenso verdient wahrgenommen zu werden: Webstandards nämlich. Sehen Sie, Webstandards sind das Regelwerk, auf dem Webseiten aufbauen. So gibt es Regeln für HTML, CSS, JavaScript oder auch XML; Worte, die Sie vielleicht schon einmal von Ihrem Entwickler gehört haben. Diese Standards sorgen dafür, dass alle Beteiligten aus einer Webseite den größten Nutzen ziehen. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Webseiten müssen wir zum Beispiel nicht mehr zwei verschiedene Webseiten für den Internet Explorer und einen anderen Browser programmieren. Es reicht eine Seite, die - richtig angelegt - sowohl auf verschiedenen Browsern im Netz funktioniert, aber ebenso gut für den Ausdruck oder die Darstellung auf einem Handy geeignet ist.
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