Water Resource Management

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Water Resource Management Scenario… A boon or bane in India … RAVINDER PAUL SINGH MALIK, IWMI talks about the water resource management scenario in India. DSC_0264 India’s turbulent water future: “Rising population, growing economic activities, rapid urbanization, changing lifestyles, rapid increase in food demand, increase in bio- energy demand are the contributing factors, which put pressure on the available water resources.” The two main questions addressed by him during the course of the presentation were: 1. What are the major water development and management challenges facing India? 2. What are the critical measures that can be taken to address these challenges? Demand is more than the supply: India is on the road to be hit by acute water scarcity if the water resources are not efficiently managed. India is the second populous country with unsustainable water management techniques which is a growing issue pertaining to the food security and economic development of the nation. Looming challenges:
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