The conference was nearly over, and it was time to celebrate. I walked around the room and asked a few silly questions (and some serious), many of which were collected from around the room. Enjoy!
What livestock animal would you be? Why?
A grass-fed milk cow in an agroforestry system in Columbia. –S.S.
A bull in a cattle herd in Switzerland. I could go everywhere in the pastures in the mountains. It would be a Demeter farm so I would hopefully live longer.-Dr. Christoph Reiber, Uni Hohenheim
I would be a rabbit because I am so fertile. –Anonymous
What’s the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?
The teeth…the size in general, the ecosystem… -Baldur Janz, IMK-IFU
One you see in a while, and the other later.- Jessica Lloyd (the creator of the joke), Uni Hohenheim
When you started (MSc. or PhD) what did you think you would be after?
Hmmm, nothing exciting, a professor teaching at the academy. I didn’t expect to be in agriculture. Back then I was only focused on biology. -Dr. Alejandro Pieters, Venezuelan Instititute for Scientific Research
Qui est ce qui est jaunes et qui attend?
Prof. Folkard Asch shared with us his impression about how global problems increased the interest in development-oriented research and raised the number of young researchers in agricultural studies.
The chairman of ATSAF expects researchers to be engage in networking and showing their results during Tropentag 2016.