The Tropentag conference this year has been organized by the Universities of Göttigen and Kassel that are currently cooperating in green areas of research. This cooperation between the 2 universities started in 2005 with synergies that extend to shared professorships and a joint Masters’ Programme on Sustainable International Agriculture that focuses on 3 key areas of agriculture: international organic agriculture, tropical agriculture and agribusiness and rural development economies. The joint research focuses on agroecological problems and the resilience of food production systems which is the theme of the tropentag this year.
The Tropentag Conference jointly organized by the University of Gottigen and Kassel will take place on the 19th to 21st September 2012. The event themed "Resilience of agricultural systems against crises" has had over 1000 registered participants who will convene at University of Gottigen to present their research on agricultural issues dealing with livestock, plants and soils, forestry, socio economics, engineering, modeling and development cooperation. In order to capture all the activities taking place ATSAF e.V. Council for Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research based at the University of Hohenheim ,Stuttgart felt the need to engage student reporters from diverse backgrounds.