Oral Presentations II: Communication and extension services

OLUYEDE C. AJAYI: What has Path Dependence got to do with Smallholder Farmers' Decision to Adopt Agricultural Technologies? Lessons from Côte d'Ivoire As the farmers' technology choices are not only determined on geographic and soil characteristics, but also on historical interventions and policies, old habits of the farmers can not just be changed by new technologies. It's important to compare standard practices like the pesticide use in the cotton sector of Côte d'Ivoire with new options: not only the potential of new technologies should be faced, but also incentives to change. ATAHARUL HUQ CHOWDHURY: Learning through Moving Pictures: Farmer-to-Farmer Video to Stimulate Farmers' Innovations about Botanical and Alternative Pest Management Practices in Bangladesh Tropentag 2010 - Oral Session II Atarahul Huq Chowdhury, BOKU Vienna (www.cdr.boku.ac), presents his research on learning through videos in Bangladesh Farmer schools in Bangladesh promoted the use of pesticides in pest management for years. Since these practices threat environmental and human health and increase production costs, there has to be a possibility to teach alternative solutions. Thus, Farmer-to-farmer learning plays an important role and must be strengthened. Video-mediated group learning experiments in Bangladesh showed, that the use of videos is more effective than conventional learning and is highly successful increasing the knowledge and, paired with discussions amongst the farmers, also helpful to build their confidence. FRIEDERIKE EVERSHEIM: “Aid-Infoservice Germany”: A Success Model for the Development Cooperation Tropentag 2010 - Oral Session II Friederike Eversheim presents "Aid-infoservice Germany" Tropentag 2010 - Oral Session II Map used in the "Aid-infoservice Germany" After World War II, the Americans set up a famous program called “Marshall Plan” to increase production for the starving population in Germany. These were the early roots of "aid-Infoservice Germany", a non-profit government organization, which tries to improve knowledge, competencies and education about food for different target groups. Since aid is very successful in Germany, there is potential to adapt the model in developing countries. More about "aid" in Germany: aid Infoservice Germany. PAVLOS GEORGIADIS: Food Ethics: A New and Necessary Academic Approach to Improve Food and Nutrition Security Tropentag 2010 - Oral Session II Pavlos Georgiadis presenting the FRESH Project Tropentag 2010 - Oral Session II Key concepts for combating hunger and promoting food justice At the University of Hohenheim, a team of students started an initiative called the "Food Revitalization & Eco Gastronomic Society of Hohenheim", abbreviated as "FRESH" in 2008. Since agricultural researchers play an important role in the development of the world food system, FRESH created a new module on the "Ethics of Food and Nutrition Security", which will be conducted in the winter semester 2010/11. More information about the FRESH-Project is available on the website of the group: FRESH. Tropentag 2010 - Oral Session II Prof. Dr. Volker Hoffmann, University of Hohenheim, moderates the session on Communication and Extension Services Tropentag 2010 - Oral Session II Tropentag 2010 - Oral Session II Tropentag 2010 - Oral Session II Tropentag 2010 - Oral Session II Tropentag 2010 - Oral Session II


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