Wed, 09/15/2010 - 16:44 — De-Registered User
Kanitta Tikam: Digestibility of Nutrients and Evaluation of Energy of Pangola Grass in Sheep as Compared to Napier Grass
Roughage is a good source of food for sheep in Thailand. But this type of food is expensive for farmers. Pangola is a tropical grass that can be grown well in Thailand. The research showed that Pangola grass is a good source of roughage for sheep in Thailand, which can also easily be preserved as hay and silage.
Siriwan Martens: Growth of Pigs Fed with Vigna unguiculata (Cowpea) Herbage Meal as Protein Supplement
Increase demand pork, poultry meat in tropics; this is a market chance for smallholder pig farmers. However limited access to feed and high prices of feed. Cowpea is a crop that is easily grown in (sub)humid tropical environments and is high in protein, so this might be a good protein supplement for pigs in the tropics. The pigs grew well when eating cowpea and thus this might me a good protein supplement.
Svenja Marquardt: Intake of Supplementary Feeds by Cattle and Goats in an Indian Pastoral System as Estimated by Direct Observations, Micro-histology and Owner Survey
In a tiger conservation area and National Park in India there is a problem with animals going into the park to feed, destroying the forest. Supplementary feeding the animals can prevent this. During this research the animals were observed while eating, their faeces was investigated and the farmers were questioned. They found out that the cattle was supplemented, but the goats were not, they had a destructive effect on the forest. The researchers recommend the following solutions for this problem: tree protection, fodder production and fodder storing/forage plan.
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