One striking quote from Denise’s presentation was presumably from Albert Einstein – which says that "if bees disappear from the earth, humans would be extinct within 4 years". Though this quote is definitely not from Einstein, it carries equal weight as Einstein – the greatest scientist ever! This same level of importance of bees drives Denise’s life-saving mission. In pursuing her passion, she systematically integrated indigenous groups and honey bees, thereby improving the livelihood of the people and promoting conservation agriculture.
Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire produce 60% of the world cocoa. Andre, a Swiss descent (not surprising, a chocolate lover), was captivated by the sense of urgency to sustainably secure cocoa production in Ghana. He presented in Kente Ghanaian dress and now bears a Ghanaian name – Kwabena! He hopes that his research will help to reduce deforestation, encourage sustainable land use and mitigate Cocoa swollen shoot virus disease (CSSVD).
Ariane's research gives an interesting perspective on the potentials of a circular economy approach in local communities in developing countries. She observed that cooking with green energy such as biogas (from organic waste) reduces firewood requirement in the rural areas and helps to mitigate deforestation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as enhance the income of smallholders.
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