The problem of how to align agricultural and food policies with nutritional and health targets had been examined from
very distinct angles during the first 3 hours
Policy and Institutional Approaches in nutrition-sensitive agriculture slot on Monday. It became clear, that the presented approaches themselves so far are not aligned, so that there seems to be huge potential for high quality research which helps to get an idea on how ‘multipolicy’ approaches can make an effective contribution to nutritional improvement.
The following article is a
collection of questions, as a source of inspiration if you wonder what to do after the conference or in your graduation thesis…
But caution: the tenor of the session was that there is rather a need of studies that really trace it down to the micro(nutrient) level instead of adding the 15.381st study incomparable to the other!
1. Objectives and Target Groups: Who are the stakeholders? Against the background of limited resources, who can be reached? What do they need? How does the demand side work? How can the stakeholders get a voice in policy design? How can the development process of a policy be transparent? To what extent do the means of one politician determine the suggestions? How can the different policy aims be aligned? What are the trade-offs between policies?
2. Policy Design: What can we learn from successful examples such as Brazil or Bangladesh? Which policy sector can actually have an influence on the nutritional status of the population: Labour Market Policies, Agricultural Trade Policies, Post-Harvest related Policies, Consumer Targeting Policies … What options do they have? In which pathway do they influence nutrition? What is their potential? Do we need more or better frameworks to trace the relations? Are the existing frameworks valid in the suggested relations, e.g. how are increasing income and balanced nutrition are connected? How does an enabling environment look like, which sectors (Health, Care, Finance, Food) need to be regarded at simultaneously? How can the international, national, regional levels work together? How does implementation of a national policy look like on the local level?
3. Policy implementation and evaluation: What are concrete the effects of the implemented policy on nutrition? How does it look like for the different sections of the population? “What works for who, when, where, how and why?”
How can high quality data be collected, which methods give us more than storytelling, half-baked or face-lifted results? Is there a need for a global template on how to collect data to make them finally comparable? Can we build on and elaborate existing ‘products’ such as the annual reports of FAO and Worldbank? How can inputs and outputs be determined and distinguished, how can indirect policy effects been taken into consideration?
4. Policy Transfer and Improvement: How can experiences be scaled-up? How can mutual learning processes (e.g. one policy maker to his neighbouring peer) be encouraged and facilitated? How can the existing knowledge in institutions be transferred to the community? How can communication between nutritionists and policy makers be improved?
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