Jobs opportunities or finding potential candidates?

As every year, the meeting of “Friends of CGIAR” took place in Tropentag 2011. "This public event is a great opportunity for networking, job opportunities and update of current news of the 15 centers of the Consultive Group on International Agricultural Research, CGIAR” said Prof. Dr. Asch, University of Hohenheim. CGIAR Luncheon Brigitte L. Maass, from CIAT- International Centre for Tropical Agriculture-, speaking in four languages showed her friendly predisposition for contacting with researches from everywhere. She is an agronomist specialized in forage. She was talking with Erica, a Colombian student who is making his master in Germany. Erica was asking for potential field work “I want to make my field work in Colombia for my thesis”. Brigitte was working in Colombia for many years as a young scientists. And now, she is located in Nairoby, Kenia. Something will work out of this meeting! Two friends, studying in The Netherlands and here in Germany, said “…we are here for making networking, contact with people from these institutions to check out a job opportunity, what is going on, and what is new in areas of our interest"!..., “I finished my master and I am looking for some research optioms before to start my PhD, to have more orientation”. They were not specifically interested in any of the centres, seems young researches are open to make new experience, in different parts of the world. One of them said “Because I got my internship in February in ILRI (Institute for livestock production research), I am also here to meet with some of the ILRI staff”. With experience in India and Taiwan, Simonica is settling now in Germany. She joined this meeting to be in touch with people she knows. “Now, every body knows that I am looking for a job”. She is a social economist who was working in impact of pesticides application in India. Pier Paolo Ficarelli is Knowledge Management in Asia for ILRI. “This is a place for meeting with colleagues and friends”. He was asked if this meeting could be used as an opportunity for contacting candidates for working positions. “It is more common than young scientist come to us asking for opportunities. If the people could have the information, this could be interesting for exchange, but need to structured. I usually attend Tropentag to inform myself about researches in places that I never visited or new subjects to me. Also, it is interesting to see how topics that have been in discussion along years are in a slow but continuous change". Marlene Diekmann, from GIZ, said some welcome words to the meeting. Networking is one of her main responsibilities. She introduced Judith Gänzen, working with project reporting and in the master student programme of GIZ < href=””>CGIAR blog/a> and Kerstin Garcia. “There is not program for the meeting, this is an opportunity to meet people, face them and create contacts”. She indicated the presence of several current and former master students from the programme in which she is also working in cooperation with CGIAR. “This is a successful meeting with much more attendance than expected!” DSC_0226


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