DAAD focuses on students from developing countries. They are having a great Tropentag, where, especially on the first day, many people were able to find their stand. If you aren’t yet aware of their activities, we’ll give you a quick summary. On one hand, DAAD is offering individual scholarships. But they also have other programs, for selected students who are already studying in Germany. One of these programs is the summer school project, each year themed after one of the MDGs (now SDGs) and working together with two different universities. This year’s theme is related to renewable energy, with 50 students participating from the Universities of Kassel and Göttingen. These participants are now visiting Tropentag as well, and presented their findings Friday afternoon.
DAAD has been supporting Tropentag for five years. Unfortunately, they won’t be present next year, as it is outside of Germany. However, they have plenty of interesting opportunities for students studying at one of Germany’s universities, so make sure to stay updated on their programs!