Wed, 10/05/2011 - 11:27 — De-Registered User
Tropentag is just two hours away now. All student reporters are ready to bring interesting updates as the conference progresses on the following events:
At 13:00 is the welcome address by Prof. Dr. Christa E. Muller, Prorector, University of Bonn
At 13:30 Gordon Conway from Imperial College London speaks on 'the double green revolution'
At 14:00, Rattan Lal from the Ohio State University, USA, speaks on marginal soils.
At 14:30 comes a talk on marginal people: "Surplus Youth" in the Global Taxonomy of Insidious Harm by Paul Richards from Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands
Also, there is a guided poster session at 17:00 and a social gathering at 18:30 to wrap up the day's events.